Sabtu, 23 Juli 2011

Vierra_Tears :'(

Would you stop all the lines
Comin out from your mouth
Isn't my stories not enough
To much lies for me
So please forgive me

Your car my house our phones
Where all the memories lies

All the tears that aren't wasted
All the anger that exploded
All the things that we've been through
Wouldn't pay a thing if we end this

Your car my house our phones
Where all the memories lies

All the tears that aren't wasted
All the anger that exploded
All the things that we've been through
Wouldn't pay a thing if we end this

This is just the half part
Half part of my lyrics

The Last memory With You.... :')

Only missing the memory with all of you....
Like this.... 

 Note: The Lebaran Memory, at 2009 ^^

Kamis, 21 Juli 2011

The Holiday, Go to School, New Class, and New Friends... ^^

heihei, liburan udh abis nih... pda kmana aj?
Kalo aku sih, nggak ush d tnya deh... soal'e aku cma stay at home in peace... *?
hhehe... Eh, nggak jga ding... aku plgn ngurusin ank2 bridging wkt tggal 2, 4, sma 5 juli...
Aku dapet kloter 2.... Ank ny gokil2 sih... nih, penghuni kloter 2..
1. Aku
2. Fadhilla Az Zahra
3. Sophie Shakina
4. Khoirul Khabibi
5. Yonathan Kristian Adechandra S
6. Setyo Adi N

Ni ank2 smua ny gila2 deh... ad yg nyanyi2 lah, gosip lah, ng game lah, dll....
pokok ny ribut bgt.... tapi, nungguin ank2 bridging itu boseeeeennnnn bgt!
Lah ya masa ngikut ny cma apel, ngasih daftar hadir, trs ngsh snack, trs nunggu nympe jm 1 buat apel siang..
halah.. boring bgt lah! Tapi, kmpul brg2 sma ank kloter 2 itu hal yg plg asik buat aku...

Gnti pmbicaraan... Wkt 1 msk sklh! Dag dig dug buat ngliat pngumuman kls ny...
Kalo aku sih, gk trlalu grogi... *soal'e udh tau d kls mna, hhehe... xP
Yap, trnyata aku msk d kls 9C... waow... lumayan lah...
Oiya, tek liat2 lgi, pnghuni kls 9C jga mndan2 gk waras gtu lah.... Skrg, aku mlh lgi ribut buat ngurusin pgelaran buat bsk Februari... Ntar dlu, ini penghuni kls 9C nya...
1. Ajeng Tri Hardini
2. Annisa Fauzia Latifah
3. Arief Setyo Nugroho
4. Berin Demeska Prasetya
5. Citra Kusuma Dewi
6. Ervina Puspita Sari
7. Firman A Hanggara
8. Ghiffari M Mahardika
9. Hanindya Faqih Pratama
10. Irfan Bayu Setyawan
11. Jason Giovanni Subagyo
12. Kharisma Nur Satiti
13. Lutfi Zein
14. Muhsinatul Istiqomah
15. Norcha Satria Adi N
16. Nur Faizah
17. Nurul Aini Sabichiyyah
18. Reza Pahlevi
19. Rhesa Mahardika
20. Subekti Evi Dwi N
21. Tamara Ayu Hardani
22. Tian Faoztina Abie
23. Unik Mugi Rahayu
24. Wahyu Ika H S N

Udh knal khan? Oiya, dsni trnyata ad cinta sjati... 3 taun slalu brsma.. siapakah itu? Firman en Iis... weh, prok prok prok... *just kid uy
Nggak ding lah, brcnda doang... hhehe...
Aku mlh suka sklas sma mreka smua... khan lbh baik menerima apa adanya drpda gk trima en trnyta gk bkal bsa dirubah lgi... bner??
Yoyoi... Hhhaha... sgitu dlu deh ya... Ada tugas SenBud nih...
Hhhehe... Bye all... :D